11 comments on “So I found this graphic on a “friend”‘s Fudgebook page…

  1. Actually, I think I’ll fling a thanks for including links to both images so I can rant about it too. Because I like to cite my sources, and I had trouble finding the originals.

    • I find it gratifying that someone else is ranting about the image in question. I also like to cite my sources when I can because so frequently, when I try to tell people about “X did this” or “Y did that” in any situation, I get talked down at like I am a child. So when I can rub in people’s faces that what I am talking about is exactly as I have described it, I feel good. 😉

      Oh, and welcome. I hope you will find the rest of the material on my journal as interesting. I am on my way to have a look-see at yours.

      • It looks to me like I’ll want to get through the whole archives of your stuff eventually, probably when my internet is actually decent. I’ll probably link to your stuff one I can edit my site again. (Grrrr India)

        • If you do intend to go through all that I have written so far, please bear in mind that you will find a lot of it incredibly repulsive. Maybe even upsetting.

          Unfortunately, getting connected to what one needs can often become a major challenge when one changes location. Even if it is only temporary.

          • Yeah, I figured as much. I’ll do it when I’m in a good state of mind and have time for a meltdown, just in case. I’ll also put a really big trigger warning when I link to you, while saying that it should be read anyways if possible.

            • At the moment, I am not sure how I can continue writing. I have just put a new post into WordPress’ equivalent of “on hold” status because I am feeling very uneasy about posting it. But I know that I have to do something about the issue it is about, because I am having the hardest time just living in myself.

              • No, not really. I mean, if you happen to mention something that gives me an idea as to what to write next, then that would certainly be appreciated. But that is something people do by accident.

                I am glad you got the site unblocked. 🙂

Chuck shit at me here